Why is India so filthy?
Environmental Issues in India

Why is India so filthy?

India has long been known for its chaotic traffic, pollution, and general filth. Despite its rapid growth, the country is still struggling to keep up with its sanitation standards. The streets of many cities in India are filled with garbage and sewage, and the air is often filled with pollutants from factories and vehicles. The lack of adequate sanitation infrastructure and public hygiene is a major contributing factor to the ongoing decline in public health. Poor waste management, an aging sewage system, and an inadequate number of public toilets are also contributing factors. The government needs to take decisive action to improve the living conditions in India and ensure a better standard of living for its citizens.

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How to apply for a nationality certificate in India?
Government Services/Information

How to apply for a nationality certificate in India?

1. In India, a Nationality Certificate is required to prove Indian citizenship. 2. It can be applied for online, by post or in person at the local District Magistrate's Office. 3. Applicants must provide detailed information, including proof of identity, address and date of birth. 4. In addition to the completed application, applicants must also submit supporting documents and the applicable fees. 5. Upon approval, the Nationality Certificate will be issued and sent to the applicant by post.

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