Wipro chairman has some tips to motivate employees – Times of India

The coronavirus, after nearly about a year since its spread, has ushered in a new normal for many in the workforce across the world: Work from home. While working from home was considered easily manageable before the arrival of the dreaded virus, it is now being taken with a pinch of salt. Managing work and family life both from home have sent stress and frustration levels peaking. In such a time, companies are also finding keeping their employees productive and yet happy, challenging. Wipro chairman Rishad Premji recently tweeted about the subject of motivation, sharing an image with tips for organisations on how to motivate their employees. Here they are, in no particular order of importance.

  1. Provide them (the employees) with opportunities to grow their knowledge & skills.
  2. Communicate honestly & frequently with each employee in your group.
  3. Show appreciation for your employees.
  4. Investigate ways you can show respect in the workplace.

Communicating frequently with employees and showing appreciation for their work are going to be big pluses in the case of those working from home, as per Premji’s tweet.
Back in October 2020, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella had shared tips on making work-from-home life easier. “You need to plan more and better if you are working from home,” said Nadella. While Rishad Premji’s tips are for the companies and bosses, Nadella’s were for anyone in a work-from-home lifestyle.
The Microsoft CEO stressed on planning your days well, taking breaks and setting time limits to avoid a burn out. He emphasised on keeping video meetings short and allowing some transition time between meetings. His third tip was to stay away from the phone as far as possible and switch off the notifications to prevent distractions.

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