Twitter Faceoff: Indians enraged after US freedom watchdog downgrades India to ‘partly free’ | India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI. US-based think tank Freedom House’s annual report on political rights and civil liberties has lowered India’s status from “free” in 2019 to “partly free” in 2020. The think tank is a United States government-funded non-governmental organisation.

India’s score decreased from 71 to 67, with 100 being the ranking for the most free country, and its rank fell from 83 to 88 out of 211 countries.

India fared the best among all its neighbours South Asian region. China was categorised as “not free” with a score of 9 out of 100, a further drop of two points from 2019, when it had 11 points. Pakistan scored 37, one down from 38 last year. Bangladesh remained static on 39. The USA has also dipped from 94 (2010) to 83 (2020). Sweden, Finland and Norway scored a perfect 100.
The report left many Indians enraged. Some were angry over the biased nature of the report and the fact that it did not consider Jammu and Kashmir to be a part of India. Others were angry as they felt India was becoming ‘less free’ under the current political dispensation.

India is much better off without the pervasive cancel-culture in US, UK, etc.

‘India needs course-correction’

‘Freedom House is not so free itself’, ‘It is US-govt propaganda arm’

‘Knee-jerk reactions won’t help’

Hypocrisy much?

‘Stand for your country irrespective of your political ideology’

India fared better than all its neighbours and most of the Asian countries, including Turkey and Russia.

AAP joined the fray

‘First correct the map, then lecture’

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