R-Day protest: Court grants bail to 19-year-old | India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: A Delhi court on Friday granted bail to a 19-year-old student accused of being part of a mob that allegedly assaulted policemen during the January 26 tractor rally in the capital. While observing that the “acts of the protesters/rioters cannot be condoned”, additional sessions judge Samar Vishal took into consideration the age of Sumit — he is pursuing a two-year diploma course in Rohtak — his “clean antecedents” and the period of incarceration, deeming it fit to release him on bail.
“The guilt or innocence of the applicant is a matter of trial and nothing can be said about it, at this stage,” the judge said. “The applicant is a young boy of 19 years. No previous criminal involvement is reported against him”.
The court noted that of the 20 accused persons arrested in the case, 19 had already been released on bail.
Judge Vishal further observed that the right to protest means right to peaceful protest and not to resort to violence of any kind even on provocation.
When the court enquired with the prosecutor if the accused (Sumit) was seen in any video footage committing violence at the spot, he replied in the negative.
The court also directed Sumit to not leave the country without its prior permission and to surrender his passport at the police station within one week from his release.
He was also directed to physically mark his attendance at the local police station every 15 days and drop the pin on the Google Map to ensure that his location was available to the investigating officer.
Sumit’s counsels argued that he had been falsely implicated in the matter.
The state through the prosecutor alleged Sumit was part of the mob which on January 26, 2021, assaulted police officers near Nangloi Chowk and obstructed them from discharging their official duty.

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