Over 1.9 crore Covid-19 vaccine doses administered across India | India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The cumulative Covid-19 vaccine doses administered crossed 1.9 crore on Friday evening, the 49th day of the vaccination drive and data shared by the Centre shows that more than 10.34 lakh vaccine doses were administered till 7pm.
The vaccination drive began on January 16 and frontline workers were brought into its ambit from February 2. The next phase of Covid-19 vaccination commenced from March 1 for those who are over 60 and for people aged 45 and above with specified co-morbid conditions.
A total of 1,90,40,175 shots had been given till Friday evening as per provisional data. So far, 68,96,529 healthcare workers have taken the first dose and 32,94,612 have been administered the second dose. The figures for frontline workers are 62,94,755 (first dose) and 1,23,191 (second dose).
As far as citizens aged 60 and above are concerned, 21,17,862 beneficiaries have been given the first dose while 3,13,226 people aged 45 and above with specific co-morbidities have received the first dose.
Of the 10,34,672 vaccine doses given till Friday evening, 8,25,537 beneficiaries were given the first dose and 2,09,135 healthcare workers and frontline workers received their second dose as per the provisional report. Among the over 10.34 lakh beneficiaries, there were 5,00,942 elderly and 77,325 above 45 years with co-morbidities.

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