Joe Biden to mark ‘Bloody Sunday’ by signing voting-rights order – Times of India

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden plans to sign an executive order directing federal agencies to take a series of steps to promote voting access, a move that comes as Congressional Democrats press for a sweeping voting and elections bill to counter efforts to restrict voting access.
Biden will announce the order during a recorded address on the 56th commemoration of “Bloody Sunday,” the 1965 incident in which some 600 civil rights activists were viciously beaten by state troopers as they tried to march for voting rights in Selma, Alabama.
“Every eligible voter should be able to vote and have it counted,” Biden says in a script of his recorded remarks to Sunday’s Martin and Coretta King Unity Breakfast.
Biden’s order includes several modest provisions. It directs federal agencies to expand access to voter registration and election information, calls on the heads of federal agencies to come up with plans to give federal employees time off to vote or volunteer as nonpartisan poll workers, and proscribes an overhaul of the government’s website, according to an administration official who briefed reporters.
Democrats are attempting to solidify support for House Resolution 1, which touches on virtually every aspect of the electoral process. It was approved on Wednesday on a near party-line vote, 220-210.
The voting-rights bill includes provisions to restrict partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts, strike down hurdles to voting and bring transparency to a murky campaign finance system that allows wealthy donors to anonymously bankroll political causes.
Democrats say the bill will help stifle voter suppression attempts, while Republicans have cast the bill as unwanted federal interference in states’ authority to conduct their own elections.
The bill’s fate is far from certain in the closely divided Senate. Conservative groups have mounted a $5 million pressure campaign to try to persuade moderate Senate Democrats to oppose rule changes needed to pass the measure.
With his executive order, Biden is looking to turn the spotlight on the issue and is using the somber commemoration of Bloody Sunday to make the case that much is at stake.
Bloody Sunday proved to be a conscious-shocking turning point in the civil rights movement that led to passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Similarly, Biden is hoping the January 6 sacking of the US Capitol by a pro-Donald Trump mob will prove to be a clarion call for Congress to take action to improve voter protections.
“In 2020 — with our very democracy on the line — even in the midst of a pandemic – more Americans voted than ever before,” Biden says in the script.
“Yet instead of celebrating this powerful demonstration of voting — we saw an unprecedented insurrection on our Capitol and a brutal attack on our democracy on January 6. A never-before-seen effort to ignore, undermine and undo the will of the people.”
Biden’s remarks also pay tribute to the late civil-rights giants Rev CT Vivian, Rev Joseph Lowery and Rep John Lewis. All played critical roles in the 1965 organizing efforts in Selma and all died within the last year.

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