Is the LHC on the brink of discovering new physics?

The latest announcement from CERN hints at the inadequacy of existing theories of elementary particles

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Ingenious squids

How do squids tune colour and brightness of iridescence of their skin? Squids adeptly change the colour and patterns on their skin for camouflage and communication. Like their cephalopod cousins the octopus and cuttlefish, Squids have specialised pigment-filled cells called chromatophores that expand to expose them to light, resulting in various shades of pigmentary colour. […]

Will intranasal vaccine give sterilising immunity?

The local mucosal immunity induced will likely reduce infection possibility and might prevent transmission While all COVID-19 vaccines administered through the intramuscular route have been found to reduce the chances of symptomatic disease and death, attempts are being made to develop vaccines that can potentially prevent or at least greatly reduce the chances of being […]

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