Call of Duty: How Call of Duty ‘helped’ police to catch a prisoner who had escaped – Times of India

Clint Butler, a man serving an extended sentence of 17 years in the HMP Spring Hill prison in Buckinghamshire, UK, escaped from the prison in November 2020 and had been lying low since then. But then, lockdown gets to everyone, it seems and on top of that, to a fugitive, it would have been too much to take just to mope about the house the whole time. Another prison of sorts, maybe?
So, after successfully hiding for many months, one day, on January 13 2021, Butler decided he wanted to get himself a copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. And that was his undoing as he was spotted and nabbed by the local police while buying the game, as per a report by Kotaku. Butler is 36 years old.
Butler earlier got the extended 17-years sentence for crimes that included “robbery and firearms offenses”. As per the report, he had ventured out with his friend on January 13 to buy himself a copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Upon being spotted by the West Midlands Police, both changed direction to avoid them. The cops eventually cornered them and began their questioning. When asked what he was doing outside in the corona lockdown, he reportedly said, “I’ve come to get the new Call of Duty because I can’t sit around in lockdown.”
Butler also attacked one of the cops when asked for some other details, says the report. The consequence of this was 6 months extra for attacking a police officer. Oh, and for the jail break, he got another 13-months.

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