Building temple will energise Bharat: RSS at annual meeting

THE process of construction of the Ram Mandir following the Supreme Court order on the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute will stimulate the internal strength of the country, the Rashtriya Swayamsevek Sangh stated in one of the two resolutions passed at its annual meeting of key representatives, the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha.

The move to construct the temple which began on August 5, 2020 with a religious programme attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a “manifestation of the inner strength of Bharat,” the resolution said.

“The ABPS is of the considered opinion that through the aforesaid program the intrinsic strength of Bharat has been invigorated and these programs became the unique symbol of spiritual awakening, national integration, social harmony, goodwill and dedication.”

“This campaign has proved once again that the entire country is always connected emotively with Shri Ram,” the resolution said. “Along with the construction of the grand mandir at the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya, the social and national life inspired by the values of Shri Ram will be established through collective resolve and efforts,” the resolution stated.

In a second resolution at the ABPS, the RSS applauded the collective response in the country to the Covid-19 crisis which forced the cancellation of the 2020 edition of the ABPS and also resulted in shifting of the venue of the 2021 ABPS from Nagpur to Bengaluru.

“Various religious, social, voluntary organizations and the common citizens have rushed to the doorsteps of the needy and gave necessary support to them. The ABPS wishes to express high appreciation to all such organizations and individuals for their selfless and benevolent acts during this period,” said a “Bharat stands as ‘One’ against Covid-19 Pandemic” resolution.

In a key change in the organizational structure at the highest level, the ABPS elected veteran RSS leader from Karnataka Dattatreya Hosabale as the new Sarkaryavaha or general secretary in place of Suresh ‘Bhaiyyaji’ Joshi.

The outgoing Joshi said that he was stepping aside “to allow someone younger to take up the responsibility and guide the organisation”.

On a question on the RSS position on reservations, Hosabale said that the RSS “is of the opinion that reservations have to exist as long as it is required in the society”. “Our Constitution too says that reservations are required as long as differences exist in the society and RSS conforms to the same,” he said.

Hosabale said the RSS would support the introduction of laws to curb “love jihad” as has been done in some BJP ruled states. “The use of fraudulent methods to lure girls for marriage and conversion is condemnable and it has to be opposed. Suitable laws and regulations have to be brought and RSS will support such laws,’” he said.

Earlier on the opening day of the Covid-curtailed ABPS, RSS Sah Sarkaryavah Manmohan Vaidya said the Vishwa Hindu Parishad is not marking homes of people not donating funds for the Ram Mandir construction. He indicated that allegations made by some political leaders in Karnataka were baseless and unfounded.

In a comment on the ongoing farmers’ agitation, the RSS, in a booklet distributed at the ABPS, said that “anti-national forces were trying to create an environment of disturbance and instability in the country to achieve their political ends”.

“It is not in anyone’s interest for any kind of agitation to be prolonged for a long time. It is also a matter of concern that day to day life is affected due to agitations,” said a note calling for a resolution at the ABPS on the issue. “In a democracy all have the freedom of expressing their views but none can be given the right to create disturbance and instability in the country,” it said. The RSS did not pass a resolution on the subject.

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