> After 30 years, machines to replace artisans to carve marble for Ram temple | India News - Times of India - NEWS COUNTRY INDIA

After 30 years, machines to replace artisans to carve marble for Ram temple | India News – Times of India

AYODHYA: For three decades, artisans diligently chipping away at marble in the Ramjanmabhoomi Nirmaan Karyashala has been the most captivating picture of the temple movement in Ayodhya. But soon, the clank of chisel will cease at the workshop to make way for hi-tech machines at the Ramjanmabhoomi construction site to expedite carving and polishing with more finesse and grandeur. And these ubiquitous artisans, mostly from Gujarat who were relentless in their endeavour even when hope ebbed for temple crusaders, are set to become history.
Temple Trust office-bearers told TOI that the construction committee has set a stiff deadline and deployment of machines was inevitable to ensure speed. “Marble carvings have to be completed in two years and the artisans, though flag-bearers of the temple, cannot deliver as quickly,” said Prakash Gupta, office in charge of Ram Mandir Trust. Talking to TOI, Anubhai Sompura, who supervises work at the karyashala, said, “Carving and cutting of marble has been halted. Only stones are being cleaned now.”
Vishwa Hindu Parishad had established the stone-carving workshop at Ayodhya two years before the Babri mosque demolition and successfully mobilised donations nationwide for temple construction even as BJP turned it into an emotive electoral plank.
“Over past few months, supply of marble from Rajasthan has been a trickle due to green tribunal guidelines on mining. We are in talks with authorities to hasten supplies. Also, we have been told advanced machines that can swiftly cut and carve marble would be arriving soon.”
During the recent meeting of the temple construction committee at Faizabad Circuit House, members were unequivocal about deployment of hi-tech machines to speed up work and meet deadlines. At least 50% stones are still uncut, an office-bearer said.
Sources in the Trust said, filling work at the temple foundation would begin from next month even as digging and clearing of debris continues in full swing.

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