> 37% Indian women get paid less than men: LinkedIn report | India News - Times of India - NEWS COUNTRY INDIA

37% Indian women get paid less than men: LinkedIn report | India News – Times of India

As many as 85% working women in India have missed out on a raise or promotion because of their gender, according to the Linkedin Opportunity Index 2021 report. Indian women also face the strongest gender biases across the Asia Pacific countries, where the regional average was 60%.
When asked about the reasons for being unhappy with opportunities to advance in their careers, 22% Indian women said their companies exhibited a “favourable bias” towards men at work, as compared to the average of 16% in the APAC region. The Linkedin Opportunities Index covered 2,285 respondents in India and analysed how women perceive opportunities and how the gender gap is slowing down their career progress in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The report showed that women have been disproportionately impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the pressure of juggling home and work. Around 89% of women stated that they were negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Gender inequality at work and added domestic responsibilities amid the pandemic have collectively made women’s jobs more vulnerable at this time. As Covid-19 continues to widen these gaps, this year’s LinkedIn Opportunity Index report suggests that it is the need of the hour for organisations to reimagine their diversity practices and offer greater flexibility to caregivers, in order to increase female participation in the workforce,” says Ruchee Anand, Director, Talent and Learning Solutions, India at LinkedIn. “Reduced and flexible schedules, more sabbaticals, and new opportunities to upskill and learn are critical offerings that can help organizations attract, hire, and retain more female talent.”
The report also highlighted the disparities in perception about equal pay and work opportunities among men and women. While 37% Indian women say they get fewer opportunities than men, only 25% men agree with this statement. Similarly, 37% women say they get less pay than men, while only 21% men share this sentiment.
It also revealed that Indian men and women aspire to similar opportunities, with their top goals being job security, having a job that they love and a good work-life balance. Yet, 63% women think that a person’s gender is important to get ahead in life, as compared to 54% men.
More than 7 in 10 (71%) working women and 77% working mothers also feel that managing familial responsibilities comes in the way of their career development. Around 63% women say that they have faced discrimination at work because of familial and household responsibilities. Working women also face opportunity barriers such as lack of required professional skills and a lack of guidance through networks and connections (65%).
While job security continues to be crucial to women, they are laying emphasis on the type of employer they choose to work with, the recognition they will receive for the work they do and the skills that will be utilised on the job. Approximately 50% said they are actively seeking employers who will treat them as equal, while 56% are looking to get more recognition for what they do.
As a result of the negative impact of the pandemic, more than 1 in 2 women and working mothers expect organisations to offer reduced or part-time schedules (56%) and robust maternity leaves and policies (55%) to make the post-Covid transition smoother. Telecommuting and flexibility programmes were the top demands by working women in India. One in two women are also looking for more professional connections and mentors who can help them advance in their careers.

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